
RAMPTON Census Place Distribution in 1901

[ Census Place | Birthplace | Migration ]

Places where RAMPTONs were living in 1901

The actual numbers involved are broken down in this table:

Places where RAMPTONs said they were born in 1901

RAMPTON Migration between Place of Birth and Census in 1901

Movement from birthplace to census place is inevitable, and the RAMPTONs were no exception. In 1881, of the 351 RAMPTONs enumerated in the 1881 Census, 37% (129) had strayed from their birthplace. In 1901, there were 482 RAMPTONs enumerated and of these 35% (168) had strayed from their birthplace. A full list of strays may be found by clicking here. The figures are remarkably static.