
Useful Background Research

General History Books

Aubrey's Brief Lives
pub.: Penguin
ISBN 0-14-043-079-2
John Aubrey English people, both great and small, of the 16th and 17th centuries fall under John Aubrey's fascinated eye.
The Industrial Revolution in the Eighteenth Century
pub.: University Paperbacks
Paul Mantoux The subtitle of this classic work is An outline of the beginnings of the Modern Factory System in England. It discusses old types of industry, such as the woollen trade, and the condition of the people who worked in the old trades, then covers commercial expansion, the growth of communications - roads and canals - and the Enclosures Acts, which lead to a redistribution of land and agricultural reform. Mantoux describes the developments in machinery which lead to the growth of the cotton industry - Kay's fly shuttle, Hargreaves' spinning jenny, the knitting frame and the silk-throwing mill. He also covers coal and iron, and the development of the steam engine, and then looks at the effects on population growth and distribution, the riots and the Luddite movement, the conditions of workers in various trades, and the relief of the poor. Altogether a wonderful study of English social history during a vibrant period of expansion.
Customs in Common
pub.: Penguin
ISBN 0-14-012556-6
E. P. Thompson Better known for his monumental study, The Making of the English Working Class, E.P. Thompson here discusses the customs of the English working people during the 18th century. There are some customs here which you may have thought only occurred in novels - wife sales (a form of unofficial divorce), rough music (the ritual mockery of transgressors) - and some which are still practiced today - boundary beating and rights of common.

Books on London - Fact

Round About a Pound a Week
pub.: Virago
ISBN 0-86068-066-5
Maud Pember Reeves From 1909 to 1913, the Fabian Women's Group recorded, week-in and week-out, the daily budgets and lives of thirty working-class families living in Lambeth. It forms a unique record of the lives of our great-grandmothers, and should be essential reading for all genealogists. The title refers to the average income these housewives had from which they had to pay for rent, coal, laundry, food and clothing.
London Labour & the London Poor
pub.: Penguin
ISBN 0-14-043241-8
Henry Mayhew The classic study of London life in the middle of the 19th century. Henry Mayhew was a journalist, and this work originated in a series of articles published in the Morning Chronicle between 1849 and 1850. It was published in book form in 1862. This is an edited version of the larger work, and covers the day-to-day lives of, for instance, costermongers, chimney sweeps, cab drivers, crossing-sweepers, dustmen, collectors of old clothes, the poor, the criminal, and the destitute. Mayhew, as well as his own observations, uses the actual words of his his subjects - those statements given by the vagrants are particularly moving.
Love & Toil: Motherhood in Outcast London 1870 - 1918
pub.: Oxford University Press
ISBN 0-19-508321-0
Ellen Ross This fascinating work examines the cultures, communities and ties with husbands and children that mothers of the late Victorian and early Edwardian period created. Topics covered include managing the budget, earning income, caring for infants, & controlling teenagers. Statistical tables are given, including those for fertility rates in some London boroughs, percentage of Londoners who married, maternal death rates, stillbirths, and causes of death of small children in Paddington.
Growing Up Poor: Home School and STreet in London 1870 - 1914
pub.: Rivers Oram Press
ISBN 1-85489-062-X
Anna Davin A book taking oral history, school records, literary and other sources to reconstruct the daily life of home, street and school among the labouring poor of London. In particular, the author discusses the impact of state education on the family, and illuminates little-known facets of urban history.
Victorian & Edwardian Horse Cabs
pub.: Shire
ISBN 0-7509-1012-7
Trevor May Trevor May is very knowledgeable on the subject of the history of the hansom cab, and this Shire Album offering, well illustrated with photographs and drawings, is an interesting introduction to the subject. For a more in depth study, see the same author's Gondolas & Growlers.
Islington [in old photographs]
pub.: Alan Sutton
ISBN 0-7509-1012-7
David Withey & Vada Hart Fascinating collection of Victorian and Edwardian photographs showing all aspects of Islington life, particularly insightful are the pictures of slum life.
Bloomsbury, Fitzrovia & Soho
pub.: Haggerston Press
ISBN 1-869812-14-X
Roger Hudson This is one book in the series London Guides, and consists of a number of descriptive walks around the Bloomsbury area, giving old and new photographs and maps. The architectural information is especially useful when trying to build a picture of where our ancestors lived and worked. Other areas covered in the series are Covent Garden, Trafalgar Square & the Strand and Fleet Street, Holborn and the Inns of Court.
Everybody's Historic London: a history and guide
pub.: Quiller Press
ISBN 1-899163-21-2
Jonathan Kiek This is an unusual book. Each chapter deals with a period in London's history, with additional chapters on the history and meaning of London Street names, the Lost Rivers of London, a history timeline, and Famous Men and Women. It contains old maps, prints, and drawings, and covers topics such as a the Tyburn Tree, the markets of London, and explains how Threadneedle Street got it's name.
Frosts, Freezes and Fairs: Chronicles of the frozen Thames and harsh Winters in Britain since 1000AD
pub.: Frosted Earth
ISBN 0-9516710-8-1
Ian Currie If you have ever wondered how your London ancestors had lived through difficult times and harsh conditions, then this book will help you enormously. Early centuries are covered sketchily, but the discussions of the Victorian Frost Fairs and the 20th century freezes are well researched and illustrated with lots of prints and photographs.

Books on London - Fiction

The Nether World
pub.: Oxford University Press
ISBN 0-19-281769-8
George Gissing This novel of documentary realism, published in 1889, depicts life among the artisans, factory-girls, and slum-dwellers of Clerkenwell in the 1870s. It is a bleak, relentless view of grinding poverty, but is generally held to give an accurate picture of the quality of life of many thousands of people in mid-Victorian London.

Books on Surrey - Fact

Southwark: an Illustrated History
pub.: London Borough of Southwark
ISBN 0-905849-23-X
Leonard Reilly A must for anyone researching their family in Southwark, Bermondsey and Rotherhithe. Maps, prints and paintings adorn the text.
The Story of Camberwell
pub.: London Borough of Southwark Neighbourhood History No.1
ISBN 0-905849-18-3
Mary Boast Only 80 pages long, this pamphlet nevertheless manages to encompass a broad sweep of the history of Camberwell. Illustrated, with a very useful bibliography.
The Story of Bermondsey
pub.: London Borough of Southwark Neighbourhood History No.5
ISBN 0-905849-24-8
Mary Boast Even shorter than the Camberwell book! Illustrated, with a short but interesting bibliography.
Walford's History of Newington & Walworth
pub.: Local History Reprints
ISBN 0-85699-058-3
Edward Walford A reprint of part of Edward Walford's Old and New London, volume 6, originally published in 1878. Illustrated with engravings
Walford's History of St Saviour's Southwark
pub.: Local History Reprints
ISBN 0-85699-055-9
Edward Walford A reprint of part of Edward Walford's Old and New London, volume 6, originally published in 1878. Illustrated with engravings
Houses on the Heath, Weybridge
pub.: privately published, 1995
Paul & Shirley Martin A history of the development of Weybridge Heath, the houses and their residents. Illustrated with paintings and engravings

Books on Hampshire - Fact

Memories of Baughurst
pub.: Baughurst Parish Council, 1999
ed. by Olive Woods & Margaret Bushell A collection of memories of village life over the 20th century. Illustrated with maps, photographs and drawings, including many photographs of named former inhabitants of the village.
Morning Stories
pub.: Paul Cave, 1984
ISBN 0-86146-046-4
Norman Goodland Norman Goodland originally broadcast these stories on BBC radio, between 1947 to 1977. He recounts tales from his childhood, when he was fostered by Frank & Harriet West of Baughurst. The stories range all over Hampshire, but many feature Baughurst and it's people.
Headley 1066 - 1966
pub.: Unwin, c. 1966
J. S. Tudor Jones History of the parish of Headley by the former rector. Illustrated with maps, photographs and drawings.
Herriard & Lasham
pub.: private, [no date]
Ann Pitcher Illustrated with photographs including many of named former inhabitants of the village.
Around Tadley - Fact and Fable
pub.: Tadley and District Society, 1999
ISBN 0-9537043-0-0
TADS An essential book for anyone with Tadley connections - explanations of place names, short biographies of well-known local people, and fascinating insights into local customs and lore. Illustrated with drawings and photographs including many of named former inhabitants of the village.
Parish History St Peter's Church, Tadley
pub.: unknown, 1995
Ralph Bennett The usual church-pamphlet type of publication, of a type available from many parish churches around the country. This one, though, is embellished with an interesting map showing major features of the surrounding villages, a drawing of the builder's mark found in the church tower, and the inscription of the tenor bell in the tower. There are also drawings of the mission churches at Pamber Heath, Heath End, and St Saviours. Also gives a list of the vicars and rectors of Overton & Tadley, and the curates of Tadley.
It Happened in Hampshire
pub.: Hampshire Federation of Women's Institutes, 1937
Winifred G. Beddington & Elsa B. Christy Doings, sayings, and interests, past and present, collected from the villages of Hampshire by members of the WI. Includes brief descriptions of villages customs, industry, forests and roads, local legends and sayings, smuggling, placenames, and remedies & recipes. Many of the customs and sayings have been culled from people born in the Victorian era, and so this collection forms a fascinating picture of Victorian Hampshire.
A School History of Hampshire
pub.: Clarendon Press, 1909
F. Clarke A history from pre-Roman times to the Civil War - with a brief overview of the 18th and 19th centuries. This is essentially a school textbook, and subsequent research may have rendered much of the information obsolete, but it serves as an interesting view of Hampshire history as held in Edwardian times.

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